Sunday, December 29, 2019

Race, Monogamy And Other Lies They Told You - 936 Words

ANTH 300: Professor Mills Name: Pawanjit Singh Race, Monogamy and Other Lies They Told You: Myth Busting Toolkit: Chapters 1, 2 3 1. What is a myth? What are they composed of? Are they always false? How do they come into being? A simple definition of a myth is a story handed down through history, often through oral tradition, that explains or gives value to the unknown. Myths are composed of stories or explanations. Myths are not always false sometimes they have some truth to them. They come to being by people making an assumption about a person based on their race. 2. Talk about the â€Å"Airborne† scenario in your own words, from beginning to end. How would you explain this myth to your friends/family? Would it make a difference to them if they were consumers? 3. Explain in your own words why ignorance is NOT bliss, having read what the author has to say about this. Give specific examples from the reading and relate them to your own life. (You are here getting an education, so I have to imagine this should be important to you as a student!) Now that we’re in college and living on our own, it is up to us to take responsibility for all of our actions and decisions. Whether it is deciding to not post — or post — something controversial on social media or deciding whether to go to class or sleep in, we’ve all made decisions. 4. What does it mean to be nature natural? How do we acquire different types of understanding into our knowledge? Can this lead to bias andShow MoreRelatedInformative Essay : Busting Myths About Race1312 Words   |  6 PagesResponses Busting Myths about Race 1. The idea of race is real, but it is not biologically reality. Race is based on cultural perspectives that we as human beings use to identify persons around the world. â€Å"Science would favor Du Bois. Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning† (Gannon) Meaning that there is nothing biologically real about race. And that it is strictly culturally developed. 2. Race is important because it is not biologicalRead MoreElizabeth And Hazel : Two Women Of Little Rock1506 Words   |  7 Pagesgrowth the Unites States has made in bringing about racial equality, they were never able to cross that line and fully accept one another. Despite having the same rights as all American citizens, blacks have been portrayed as inferior to whites and other groups of people throughout history. In Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock, there was a breakthrough in the education system, and blacks were finally getting the chance to go to a school with whites. After the Brown vs Board of EducationRead More`` Sula `` : Themes Of Racism And Sexism1657 Words   |  7 Pagessubjected to racism and sexism because of their gender and race. 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Aà ¯ssatou, who habitually eats only three grated carrots for her dinner, and always takes her tea without sugar in order to maintain her slim figure goes to a marabout for advice on how to seduce Bolobolo, and is provoked by the other women that are also waiting there for advice. According to them, Aà ¯ssatous problem is that she is too skinny, and they lament the fact that ces filles daujourdhui ne savent mà ªme pas cuisiner..... et à §a se veut des femmes.29 Aà ¯ssatou takes thisRead MoreFreedom of Speech, Comparing Freedom of Expression in the Statutory Law and the Sharia Law19992 Words   |  80 Pagesoutcome of implementing it. The Western writer Patricia Crone (2005: p. 218-219) said referring to how those old provisions of law were true bases of a moral society: â€Å"Medieval Muslims did not write utopias in the sense of imaginary travel accounts or other descriptions of ideal societies which do not exist, †¦ they were not given to seeking ideals outside their own civilisation at all. But they did place a golden age right at the beginning of their own history, and their numerous accounts of this ageRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesChristian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United

Friday, December 20, 2019

Counseling The Youth Lgbtq - 1950 Words

Counseling the Youth LGBTQ Paige McKenzie Columbia College Abstract Adolescents in general are often faced with many obstacles throughout their teenage years however; when homosexuality is in the equation this can make issues more complex. Adolescent who do not fit the â€Å"norm† because they are questioning their sexuality; they often experience discrimination, substance abuse, higher rates of suicide and victimization. As a result this group is considered to be a high risk population. When communities lack Gay- Straight Alliances also known as GSA adolescents are often shunned and are forced to hide their sexual orientation in social isolation. Increasing GSA support groups will help LBGTQ youths develop a positive self-image. Why offer counseling to the youth LGBTQ Social isolation is only a fraction of the issues that threatens the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered an or questioning sexuality youths. For these youths adolescent years can be particularly lonely and painful. These populations of youths are especially susceptible to problems such as anxiety, substance abuse, homelessness, depression and suicide. When adolescents have a support system such as the gay- straight alliance also known as the (GSA) it mediates some of the issues these adolescents encounter. Furthermore it can also educate peers to alleviate discrimination that LBGTQ face at school and around their communities when dealing with everyday situations. SupportShow MoreRelatedLgbtq Youth And Its Impact On The Community Essay1696 Words   |  7 Pagesthat LGBTQ youth are not able to get the help in school which causes them to have low self-esteem, not show up to school, and even engage in risky behavior. School psychologists must p rovide services for their entire student body and that includes youth apart of the LGBTQ community. Regardless of what their beliefs are it’s important that they give LGBTQ youth the support that they need and also help them work towards a positive identity while going the process of coming out. To assist LGBTQ youthRead MoreResearch Paper : One Step Forward And Two Steps Back951 Words   |  4 PagesJournal 1: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back Over the last year, I have felt like there was a trend among the personal feelings towards LGBTQ+ communities as well as legal issues for the human rights for the individuals within those LGBTQ+ communities. Even as an optimistic person within the LGBTQ+ community, I feel that with every victory, we lost two other battles. I know that without failures or setbacks, there would be no success in life. However, seeing the application of that reality ultimatelyRead MoreGroup Work With Lgbtq Adolescents1703 Words   |  7 PagesGroup Work with LGBTQ Adolescents Group work is an effective method of therapy in which a social worker leads a group of individuals who have a common purpose. Group work is used for many populations, and there are constantly new models of group work that are developed for certain underserved populations. One of those populations is the LGBTQ community, specifically, LGBTQ adolescents. This essay will cover new models that can be implemented to lead groups with LGBTQ group members. The purpose ofRead MoreClients Rights and Counselors Responsibilities1254 Words   |  5 Pagesplague to treat an individual who is from the LGBTQ community. The counseling profession attaches such importance to this principle that it is the very first ethical standard in the American Counseling Associations (ACA) Code of Ethics (2005) (pg 80) A.1a states that the primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of the clients. My view as a future Mental Health Therapist is to advocate for the LGB TQ communities. For more than 200 years, cliniciansRead MoreHuman Service Course History Paper1447 Words   |  6 Pagesthat occurred, and to comprehend the level of discrimination that was felt in the homosexual culture, one must first understand the history of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) community. The harsh history of the LGBTQ community, and discrimination that was imposed on them and the organizations that strived to advocate for the LGBTQ community on a local, regional and national level is what eventually lead to the Supreme Court ruling on June 26th, 2015, stating that states cannotRead MoreA Reflection At The Center For Inclusion And Campus Involvement1616 Words   |  7 Pagesauthenticity, and social change. My endeavors were directed towards the LGBTQ community at Rollins, but I was also able to work with incoming students with Title IX and Buzz to help the new students understand how to be safe in campus. My professional and personal values remained congruent with the social justice and social advocacy mission values of CICI, and afforded me the chance to see the ethics of my mental health counseling program in action. Accordingly, my values stand as self-determinationRead MoreThe Right For Same Sex Couples1161 Words   |  5 Pagesthe laws admit their rights, some people still have some negative thought about LGBTQ. Our group chooses this topic and this course of action because we want to inform the class and the community the hardships of those in the LGBTQ community and their â€Å"coming out† stories. We hope to inspire others who are â€Å"in the closet† to not be afraid of who they are and inspire society to respect the choices and actions of the LGBTQ. Though we are all different in shape, skin color, personality and sexuality,Read MoreThe Great Depression1296 Words   |  6 Pageshomes. Overall, this act was created to abolish the high number of homeless and runaway youth in America. (Fernandes-Alcantara, 2013) Up until the passing of the act in 1974, those who were considered runaway or homeless youth only had their needs met through donations from churches and through local child welfare agencies. In 1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps opened camps and shelters for older low income youth. Also the YWCA (Young Womens Christian Association) provided a large amount of resourcesRead MoreImportance Of The Field Of Education1000 Words   |  4 Pages6480 Last Assignment 1. Why this topic is important to the field of education. School to Prison Pipeline – This topic is important because it effects the quality of education received by students of color and students who identify as a part of the LGBTQ community. It is important for all involved in the education field to be aware of the issues surrounding this topic and the possible reasons as to why students are entering the prison system early. In order to ensure that all students get the educationRead MoreThe Rainbow Community Center Of Contra Costa County1861 Words   |  8 PagesCounty (RCC), as well as the current measures it uses for evaluating the services they provide. The program will be described with an emphasis on the counseling and case management programs, which currently do not have a method of gaining the clients’ perspective of how well a counseling or case management session went. A needs assessment for the Counseling and Case Management Programs will be provided along with suggested improvements and an improved evaluation t ool suggestion. Description of the Agency

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Online free essay sample

New Sinai MDI Hospital is located at National Highway, Brgy. We will write a custom essay sample on Online or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tagapo Sta Rosa Laguna and is situated near Robinson’s Place and few meters away from SM Sta Rosa, which are considered two of the most distinguished shopping malls of the country today. The clinic is likewise close to grand pavilion mall in Binan, Laguna. The hospitalstarted its operation last July 7, 2007 a private hospital complex with five storey building and 66 bed actual capacities. With more than three years of service, the hospital was able to establish a school that will train students in paramedical specialties like physical therapy; occupational therapy; medication technology; nursing; radiology technology; guidance psychology; social work; and ancillary studies. The management still wants to create a commercial and apartelle complex that will cater the needs of patients, their visiting relatives and friends especially those coming from a far. With the goal of running of a hospital complex at Tagapo, Sta Rosa Laguna the corporation acquire a 4800 square meter lot along National Highway, Brgy. Tgapo, 178 square meters of which was made into a one-storey building to house the MDI Clinic as introductory phase for the hospital complex which would be known as New Sinai MDI Hospital. February 2005, When MDI Clinic was transferred to Tagapo, Sta Rosa. The local government of Sta. Rosa granted the permit to operate a medical and diagnostic clinic on March 1, 2005. he Clinic widen its area of service with application forwarded to various Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO’s), Industrial companies and Merchant agencies for accreditation. Subsequently the MDI Clinic operation was transferred to the 1st floor ER unit of New Sinai MDI Hospital after September 28, 2006 when the clinic building was damaged by the typhoon Milenyo. The local government granted a partial occupancy on the finished 1st floor of the hospital. Backgro und of the Study: The proponents choose to create a website entitled â€Å"Official Website of New Sinai MDI Hospital†. The studies have a Home page, in this page people may choose from the tab above such as: About Us, Patient’s Guide, Contact, Health Care Services, Gallery, Search, and Comment. Patient’s Guide, Health Care Services and Contact are the three most important tabs in this study. This three consist the contact number and person that the patient’s may talk to, for the Health Care Services which is user determine what services and procedure that the hospital had and Patient’s Guide which is under this is the list of the Room of Patient from Presidential which is the highest cost from different Wards. The website of MDI can also see the Hospital Facilities like; Emergency room, main lobby, radiology and laboratory department, special diagnostic, ultrasound HMO industrial clinic, rehabilitation medicine which is located at ground floor. â€Å"New Sinai MDI Hospital†has five floors. Operating Room, Delivery Room, Nursery, ICU, and NICU septic isolation is located at 2nd floor and lastly, Rooms like Semi Private, Isolation Room, Wards, Suite and other rooms will be seen from 3rd floor to 5th floors. Above all, the main use of this site is to promote MDI not only in Laguna but all over the world, to publicize some of their services and to become one of the most popular hospitals. Project Description: The MDI hospital has a bulletin board and brochure. Bulletin Boardis use to post some details and brochures use to promote their services. That is the reason ofchoosing New Sinai MDI hospital as their study, proponents will create a website that will help and make them easily introduce the NSMDI to anyone. The purpose of this site is to see some information of the hospital. The website has comment box, request and suggestion in which the user must register or createtheir account that will allow them to input their opinion. It also has a list of doctor, their specialty,and it’s time schedule. This site also has two account; Admin and User Account. The Admin Account, it is one who will update the whole website like galleries, updating doctor’s schedule, hospital services and many more and User account is just to access the comment box. The proponents will be using Notepad ++, SQLyog for the database, PHP for the codes, XAMP to build the software and Adobe Photoshop CS3 is also use for the Graphical User Interface.